Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I fall apart, I'm back where I began, if it were anybody else but you I would not be afraid, a total calamity, the choices i have made...

I'm ready for 2011. Some how in the 3 years of living in LA I've managed to come full circle. Good or Bad. I did it. I lived. I didn't learn. Some how that doesn't seem like the definition of insanity but it has to be. I did some of the same exact things I did the first year i moved here yet more unsuccessfully... if thats even possible. I literally saw the same 3 guys. Each relationship ended the exact same way if not worse and did I learn a real lesson? maybe... This year I am determined to be different. I am determined to make different choices and let go of the past. It's the past for a reason and as much as I wish people changed and grew the only person I can control is myself. So I promise to be better. I promise to change. I will focus more.. I'll make better choices. while that path seems lonely it feels like the only right path to take