Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I do this from time to time. I start my blog then I stop. Well I've decided to start again. I think it's a great time because I'm moving once again. No, not from California just to another apartment in California. I'm moving from the fabulous Studio City to NOHO but while it seems like a down grade it is actually an upgrade and I see it as the beginning of a bright new chapter in my life.

In acting when you start to slip out of a scene one of my many teachers would say take a breath and refocus your attention so that you can get back into it, and depending on the scene you have to do that several times because you always want to be alive and present not just a set piece. I feel like that statement has been a reoccurring theme of my life. Sometimes I get distracted and I have to take a breath and refocus. So that's what I'm doing a new start with a new job and a new fabulous apartment! I'm going from 1277.96 to 965.00 and no that is not a typo! I was so afraid that I wouldn't find what I want, and I have. That plus more! So here I am refocusing paying less rent so that I can get back into my acting classes and really, really focus on what I came out here to do and what I came out here to be.

I'm going to go back in time a little and write about some of my experiences from when I first got here because you can't learn from the past if you refuse to re-examine it.

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